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modelo académico

Academic Model

Our academic approach

The Universidade Europeia's Academic Model, which is student-centered and based on experiential learning, promotes students' interaction with teachers and their peers, enabling them to engage in active learning through problem-solving in real-life scenarios, critical thinking and reflection.

This approach provides an educational experience that allows students to learn by "doing", "being", "thinking" and "living ", acquiring the knowledge, skills and competences that will promote their maximum employability in a globalized world, through integrated learning within a holistic vision of the professions.

In addition to an advanced technological infrastructure, Universidade Europeia's teaching staff play a decisive role in the Academic Model, in order to respond effectively to the needs of the professional world and trends in Higher Education. This is only possible due to the different academic, research and professional experience of the teaching team.

Universidade Europeia's Academic Model applies a set of innovative and distinctive learning scenarios:

Challenge-based learning

Students interact with professional and interprofessional contexts, co-creating innovation plans as well as other outputs for partner organizations.

Problem-based learning

Students have the opportunity to learn by analyzing and solving practical cases, diagnosing and proposing solutions to real professional problems.

Simulation-based learning

By learning in simulated environments, it is possible for students to learn experientially, in a safe and controlled environment, skills that guarantee an approximation to situations representative of the current job market.

Research-based learning

It seeks to prepare students to write scientific papers and reports, using the scientific method in all its stages.

The role of the teacher in the Academic Model is to accompany the student throughout their journey, while promoting and participating in their personal and professional development. In the classroom, the teacher will guide you through the different learning methodologies that make up each pillar of the teaching method, guaranteeing the development of skills and values that are part of our vision of a globalized world.

Therefore, in order to respond to society's current needs, Universidade Europeia's Academic Model focuses primarily on the student and, centered on Experiential Learning, is based on six educational dimensions.

We provide our students with learning moments in safe environments, where trial and error is possible, with different levels of complexity and fidelity, guaranteeing maximum proximity to the real world and links with the professional world. Students will be in contact with real situations, putting them to the test with projects and challenges.

We have around 300 agreements with companies for internships and other educational activities to get closer to the profession, which encourage learning and provide continuous updating of the skills needed in the current and future job market.

We try to integrate knowledge and skills from other areas of activity, interrelating concepts and bringing us closer to the reality of the professional world. The student will have the opportunity to work on various concepts and subjects in the same project.

We provide training involving various disciplines in different environments, thus enriching the training experience and preparing students for the reality of the professions, where interprofessional collaboration becomes an essential value.

Continuous research and critical thinking are present in our Academic Model so that students can develop their research hypotheses. In a post-digital transformation era, the student will systematically analyze the information that is produced and will be able to make decisions in complex situations, based on a data-driven approach. At Universidade Europeia, we encourage entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity.

We prepare students to be the best professionals in their field of study not only through superior academic training, but also by forming global and responsible citizens. Education with values of respect, ethics and responsibility permeates our model across the board, so that our students are committed to sustainability and aware of diversity at all levels.

Online academic model

Achieve your goals with the flexibility you need

Through an interactive virtual learning environment, supported by the flipped classroom methodology, the student will have prior contact with the content before interacting with the teacher, providing a more strategic use of class time for individualized work and attention.

All this is possible thanks to an innovative, creative and transformative methodology based on three pillars:


The student chooses the pace of their study in order to make their academic life compatible with their personal and professional life.


We accompany students throughout their journey to ensure that their experience is complete, integrating their expectations and professional experience into the teaching-learning process.


Connected online and networked through multiplatforms, the student is in constant interaction with colleagues, teachers, tutor and academic manager.

Balancing personal, professional and academic life

Our 100% Online Teaching is guided by its flexibility and provides a differentiating value proposition, through a personalised model which is fully adapted to each student. This modality responds to the challenge of work-life, family and academic balance (reskilling or upskilling) and is materialised through a learning process par excellence, in a faculty of proven expertise in their teaching area, as well as classes where the student has access to the latest trends through the analysis of practical and current cases.

Through this model, students will have access to weekly virtual classes, which they can watch live or access later. In these classes, teachers will share the content, and students will have the opportunity to be able to actively participate.

The student will have content thought out and designed by the best experts to facilitate agile and effective learning, properly planned so that they can develop their own pace of study.


Networked learning


Learning with technologies

Active learning

Evaluation for learning

Students will have an academic manager to support them throughout their learning experience with us. The manager offers proactive and personalized support throughout the student's academic journey, so that they only have to worry about their studies and reaching their goals quickly.

In addition, to make it easier for students to organize themselves, they will have a dashboard at their disposal that will allow them to quickly access relevant information about their studies: progress in continuous assessment activities, forum notifications, informative announcements, among others.

An intuitive and dynamic virtual campus

We offer the best experience in the learning journey through:

Communication tools

With colleagues and faculty that foster collaborative learning.

Virtual labs

With all the software necessary to carry out your studies.

24x7 support

Via telephone and chat, for asking technical questions.

CRAI library

Available and accessible online study support.

Our educational community

Will accompany the student in this challenge so that they can achieve their professional goals and provide value to the world.