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Órganos de Gobierno | Universidad Europea

Cookies Policy

Data Controller

The website of ENSILIS, EDUCAÇÃO E FORMAÇÃO UNIPESSOAL, LDA. (hereinafter “ENSILIS”), with NIPC 504 669 788 and headquartered in Quinta do Bom Nome, Estr. da Correia 53, 1500-210 Lisboa, (the “Website”) uses “Cookies” and/or similar technologies, both its own and those of third parties, in accordance with the provisions of this Cookies Policy.

You can decide whether to install Cookies that are not considered necessary.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are files that contain small amounts of information that are downloaded to the User's device when they visit a website.

Cookies, therefore, allow a Website to “remember” individual browsers and, consequently, “remember” the individual having used a certain browser, among other options.

Cookies and similar technologies are often linked to information that is not personally identifiable (for example, the time of a visit to the Website).

However, because it is possible to identify a single computer through its browser, its data can be used to monitor a computer's online movements and to profile browsing habits linked to that specific computer, and in most cases, linked to an individual.

As a result, Cookies can also collect personal data and must therefore be subject to the General Data Protection Regulation and the ePrivacy Directive.

Types of Cookies

Types of Cookies according to the entity that manages them:

If ENSILIS has control over the Cookies sent and the data obtained, we can distinguish them between:

  • Own cookies: are those that are sent to the User's equipment, from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself (ENSILIS) and from which the service requested by the User is provided.
  • Third-party cookies: are those that are sent to the User's equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher (ENSILIS), but by another entity that developed them and that processes the data obtained through these Cookies.

However, if Cookies are made available from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself, but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered own Cookies, if that third party uses them for its own purposes.

Types of Cookies according to the purpose for which they are used:

We can distinguish between:

  • Technical cookies: are those that allow the User to navigate through a Website, platform or application and use the different options or services therein, including those that ENSILIS uses to allow the management and operation of the Website and enable its functions and/or services.
  • Preference or personalization cookies: these are those that allow us to remember information about the User who accesses the service, defining certain characteristics and which can differentiate their experience from that of other Users.
  • Analytics cookies: these are those that allow the person responsible for them to track and analyze the behavior of Users of the Websites to which they are linked, including quantifying the impacts of advertisements. The information collected by this type of Cookies is used to measure activities on Websites, applications or platforms, in order to introduce improvements based on data analysis and User usage.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: these are those that store information on the User's behavior obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on that behavior.

Types of Cookies according to the period in which they remain active:

We can distinguish between:

  • Session cookies: are those designed to collect and store data while the User accesses a Website or application. They are normally used to store information that is only useful for providing a service requested by the User in a single situation and expire when the browser is closed.
  • Persistent Cookies: are those in which the data is still stored on the User's equipment and which can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person responsible for the Cookies, which can vary from a few minutes to several years.

Use of Cookies

All Cookies collected and mentioned above require consent, except:

  • Those that serve to allow communication between the User and the Network;
  • Those necessary to provide a service requested by the User;

And, regardless of the above, the:

  • Strictly necessary cookies;
  • Authentication or session identification cookies or Website security cookies;
  • Session cookies for certain non-segmented multimedia playback;
  • User interface personalization cookies;
  • Certain plugin cookies for retargeting and republishing on social networks.

Access and navigation on the Website must be free: the fact that the User does not give their consent to the installation of non-necessary Cookies cannot prevent their access and navigation on the Website, which we will seek to ensure is always technically executable.

Likewise, we will not install non-necessary Cookies without any consent from the User.

In summary and conclusion, on this Website the installation and use of Cookies is governed by the following:

  • Obtaining prior, informed and revocable consent for non-necessary Cookies, by Cookie category;
  • Categories of non-necessary Cookies disabled by default;
  • Installation and use of non-necessary Cookies only when the respective consent of the User has been collected;
  • Cookies that have been rejected will not be activated and/or used;
  • There will be no transfer of information outside the European Economic Area;
  • The possibility is given that, at any time, the User can revisit their Cookies options as the banner will be minimized, but present in all navigation;
  • Regardless of the tool used to manage Cookies, no non-necessary cookie will be installed without the User's consent.

Categories of Cookies used on this Website:

Strictly Necessary Cookies

Tabela de Cookies
Cookie subgroupCookiesUsed CookiesDuration
www.europeia.ptcsrftoken, publicSessionIDThird Party363 Days, 6 Days
elpusonline.europeia.ptASP.NET_SessionIdThird PartySession
europeia.ptOptanonConsent, OptanonAlertBoxClosedThird Party364 Days, 364 Diays
designers.hubspot.com__cfruidThird PartySession
.universidadeuropea.compublicSessionIDThird Party6 Days
universidadeuropea.compublicSessionIDThird Party6 Days
www.iade.europeia.ptOptanonConsent, OptanonAlertBoxClosed, __cfruidTerceiro364 Dias, 364 Dias, Sessão
info.europeia.pt_dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxxxx, __cfruidThird PartyFew seconds, Session

Analytics Cookies

Analytics Cookies
Cookie subgroupCookiesUsed CookiesDuration
.universidadeuropea.com_UE_TRAF, _UTM_CAMPAIGN, _UTM_MEDIUM, _UTM_SOURCEOwnSession, Session, Session, Few seconds
europeia.pt__hssc, __hssrc, __hstc, _ga, _gclxxxx, _gidThird PartyFew seconds, Session, 179 Days, 729 Days, 89 Days, Few seconds
youtube.comYSCThird PartySession
info.europeia.pt_ga, _gidThird729 Days, Few seconds

Preference Cookies

Preference Cookies
Cookie subgroupCookiesUsed CookiesDuration
linkedin.comlidcOwnFew seconds
www.europeia.pt__atuvc, __atuvsThird Party395 Days, Few seconds
europeia.pthubspotutkThird Party179 Days
spotify.comsp_landing, sp_tThird PartyFew seconds, 364 Days
hubspot.com__cf_bmThird PartyFew seconds
s7.addthis.com__atuvc, __atuvsThird Party395 Days, Few seconds
designers.hubspot.com__cf_bmThird PartyFew seconds
.universidadeuropea.comatid, atinf, atleadidThird Party90 Days, 90 Days, Session
www.iade.europeia.pt__cf_bmThird PartyFew seconds
info.europeia.pt__cf_bmThird PartyFew seconds

Behavioral advertising Cookies

Cookies Subgroup Table
Cookies SubgroupCookiesUsed CookiesDuration
www.europeia.ptln_orOwnFew Seconds
linkedin.combcookie, li_gcOwn364 Days, 179 Days
doubleclick.netIDE, test_cookieThird Party389 Days, Few seconds
addthis.comloc, uvc, xtcThird Party394 Days, 395 Days, 395 Days
europeia.pt_fbp, _gat_UA-, _tt_enable_cookie, _ttpThird Party89 Days, Few seconds, 389 Days, 389 Days
s7.addthis.com__atrfsThird PartyFew Seconds
snap.licdn.comln_orThird PartyFew Seconds
google.comCONSENTThird Party729 Days
.europeia.pt_gat_UA, _gcl_auThird PartySession, 90 Days
www.facebook.comThird PartySession
youtube.comCONSENT, DEVICE_INFO, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEThird Party729 Days, 179 Days, 179 Days
tiktok.com_ttpThird Party389 Days
info.europeia.ptln_orThird Party1 Day

User Configuration to avoid Cookies

In accordance with applicable legislation, information is provided regarding how the User can configure the browser to manage and maintain their privacy and security regarding Cookies, through links to access the official support website of the main browsers so that they can decide whether or not you accept the use of Cookies.

We note that some browsers also provide “DNT” (“DO NOT TRACK”) tools.

In addition to your browser tools, you can always manage your preferences for transferring browsing and behavioral data through the following option: https://www.youronlinechoices.com/pt/your-ad-choices.

Cookie settings can also be changed in your browser preferences, following the instructions in the following links:

  1. Chrome https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en
  2. Firefox https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
  3. Internet Explorer https://support.microsoft.com/pt-pt/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
  4. Safarihttps://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/safari/manage-cookies-and-website-data-sfri11471/mac