The result is the fruit of continuous work over the last few years and reflects the quality mission in all areas of Universidade Europeia, which culminates in an evaluation process that is also very rigorous and demanding.
The external evaluation highlights the Universidade Europeia's “educational offer [which] is very much in line with the institutional value of innovation, especially with regard to the experiential learning model and the investment in distance education”. The CAE was “impressed by the emphasis placed on the educational experience of students, as well as evidence of excellence in certain areas.”
The reaccreditation for the maximum period and without conditions by A3ES highlights the active contribution that Universidade Europeia has been making to society over the last 10 years, fulfilling its role in teaching, research and the transmission of knowledge with high quality standards.
“This evaluation is a historic result for Universidade Europeia. In the context of a university with only 10 years of existence, as such, this milestone is an achievement for everyone and reflects the quality of our path, highlighting the exceptional performance of everyone involved in the Universidade Europeia's mission,” says the rector, Hélia Gonçalves Pereira, adding that ” Universidade Europeia 's academic model is a crucial element in the success of our project”.
This evaluation confirms that, despite the enormous challenges facing education, we are certainly on the right track.”
The institutional evaluation, carried out by A3ES every six years, is an instrument for the continuous improvement of the national higher education system, covering all the various institutions (public and private, polytechnic and university). The process began with the self-evaluation report, followed by a visit from the External Evaluation Commission (CAE) in November 2023. Institutional evaluation, provided for in the Legal Framework for the Evaluation of Higher Education, is designed to assess each institution in the various aspects in which it carries out its activity: educational, scientific and cultural projects; the solidity of the training offer; the integration of students in the teaching, research and knowledge transfer processes; the promotion of scientific research; the degree of external cooperation and internationalization; and resource management.