The two new research centers will initially integrate 33 national and international researchers, and are fundamental for scientific and academic development, not only by sustaining current doctoral courses, but also by creating new doctoral programs. The protocol established provides for the transfer and enhancement of knowledge, research development and innovation, bringing together critical capacity to promote scientific creativity, attract talent, scientific careers and the qualification and advanced training of human resources. To this end, it also shares human resources, materials and infrastructures.
“We are certain that CETRAD-EUROPEIA and CIDESD-EUROPEIA will become a benchmark for national research in the areas in which they specialize. The partnerships we have established, as well as being an important step in our growth and positioning in the national R&D panorama, will allow us to expand our training offer, particularly at doctoral level, and also offer the possibility of creating broader collaborative projects,” says Hélia Gonçalves Pereira, rector of the European University.
CETRAD/UTAD is a social science research center focused on conceptualizing, understanding and promoting smart inclusive sustainable development in low-density regions. Its R&D unit is located at UTAD (University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro), in the city of Vila Real.
CIDESD/UBI, on the other hand, is a supra-institutional, technical-scientific unit for fundamental and applied research, which aims to promote and coordinate scientific activity in the field of studies in its multiple areas of intervention distributed across three research groups: sports performance, health, and pedagogical and professional intervention.
Both centers have already been up and running at UE QBN/Lispolis, IPAM Lx and Porto since the beginning of the year.