O que procura?

Licenciatura em psicologia, admissões…

Campus Quinta do Bom Nome: +351 210 309 900
Campus Santos: +351 213 939 600
Campus Lispólis: +351 210 533 820
Presencial: +351969704048

Experiência Internacional

Universidade Europeia, uma experiência única

A Universidade Europeia proporciona aos seus estudantes uma experiência internacional única, preparando-os para atuar em qualquer parte do mundo!




Estudantes Internacionais


Parcerias de mobilidade internacional


  • Planos de estudo assentes nas melhores práticas pedagógicas e conteúdos programáticos internacionais
  • Programas de mobilidade exclusivos
  • Programas lecionados 100% em língua inglesa
  • Docentes e convidados internacionais
  • Desenvolvimento de projetos colaborativos a nível internacional
  • Participação em concursos internacionais
  • Organização de uma International Week anual com mais de 50 convidados (docentes e representantes de Gabinetes de Relações Internacionais) de Universidades de todo o mundo
  • Acesso as escolas de excelência e com prestígio internacional

Informações úteis

Custo de vida


Visto de estudante

Seguro de saúde


A Universidade Europeia tem vindo a celebrar várias parcerias de alojamento com conceituadas residências estudantis.

Testemunhos estudantes internacionais

ComillasMy first experience was great at the Universidade Europeia because from the first moment the student service helped me by everything. I had a responsible person for me who I could ask any time when I had a question or problem. The classmates included me directly like a normal Portuguese friend. Besides I liked that I wasn’t the only one who isn’t from Portugal. I really felt that this is an International University because our course existed from students with different nationalities. I can just recommend the University and the city. Everyone who studies in Lisbon will love the unique life here.

Faruk Okutucu

Alemanha, Licenciatura em Management - Quinta do Bom Nome

ComillasI chose Universidade Europeia to do a second Master and specialize in Hotel and Tourism Management. This university has a good program for this Master and is open to welcome international students. As well, the Master of Hotel and Tourism Management is a good opportunity to be integrated in the Portuguese culture and language. Last but not least, I can only encourage you to come to live in Lisbon. I love Lisbon and my experience here as an international student: it’s a sunny, dynamic and wonderful city to live in.

Marine Loquen

França, Mestrado em Hospitality and Tourism Management - Quinta do Bom Nome

Testemunhos estudantes de mobilidade internacional (incoming)

ComillasI’ve been to Lisbon in almost 4 months already and I’ve grown to like the city and its citizens. The people are helpful and relaxed, and the weather has been mostly sunny and warm. In the university, I like the informative classes and nice teachers, who speak good English. All my classes are in English and often even if the Portuguese students ask the questions in Portuguese, the teacher answers in English. It’s really helpful and considerate. The Portuguese students are nice and always ready to help with translation if there’s a problem. The thing that would make the experience even better is more English in the email newsletters. Often the email from the university is only in Portuguese, and thus is left without reading by students who either know a little bit or not at all Portuguese. Overall, my time here has been a blast. I’ve met so many cool people and going to school doesn’t feel bothersome.

Noora Kurko

Finlândia, Hospitality Management - Quinta do Bom Nome, Universidade parceira de origem: University of Tampere