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III INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MENTAL HEALTH CARE “Mental Health: Global challenges of XXI century”

06 set 2019

Entre os dias 31 de Outubro e 2 de Novembro de 2019, ira decorrer a III International Conference on Mental Health Care em Bucareste, Romenia. A Universidade Europeia e parceira na organizaçao do mesmo, na pessoa da Vice- Reitora, Professora Doutora Diana Dias.

The world of Global Mental Health is wide, broad and complex, with majority of the of the issue surpassing the border of the single discipline. Among the professional disciplines needed to address the raising problems within Global Mental Health are: psychology, psychiatry, public health, medicine, health systems, sociology, anthropology, epidemiology and many others.

Due to the complexity of the issues, it is increasingly important to ensure collaboration and studies that are implementing a broad range of methods and are assessing the problem from several angles and points of view. Moreover, it is important to start working with transdisciplinary methods that ensure that all stakeholders are included in the research process.

Mais informações aqui.